Neighborhood Resources
Learn more about the Southeast neighborhood. Explore the many organizations, businesses, schools, and more that have made the Southeast neighborhood their home.
Southeast Neighborhood Master Plan
Developed through a public engagement process, the City has prepared the Southeast Neighborhood Master Plan in order to provide guidance to neighborhood improvement opportunities.
Neighborhood Resources Connection
We build community, together. With residents, neighborhoods, & community stakeholders, we help address people connect with others and advocate for more equitable, livable neighborhoods.
466 Works
466 Works is a not-for-profit community development corporation created to develop opportunities to connect with resources and support community members in their efforts to enhance and revitalize the southeast side neighborhood.
Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem
The Center for Civic Innovation’s Educational Ecosystem (E2) is helping to combat this “brain drain,” while solving community problems, by offering select students from a number of local colleges and high schools with a unique and award-winning internship experience that they believe will encourage many to remain in our community to work and live.
Broadway Christian Parish
Broadway Christian Parish is a United Methodist congregation called by God to minister to the Southeast Neighborhood of South Bend, Indiana. Believing in the sacred and equal worth of all people, we celebrate God’s grace with acts of hospitality, love, acceptance, respect, service and advocacy.
Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church
We are a church without walls, where we believe and recognize that the children of God are the true church. Where we know that every circle or environment that we interact in daily is an opportunity to show the love and favor of Jesus Christ; our Lord and Savior.
Langlab South Bend
Langlab is a continually growing multi-use co-workspace facility that can be used to engage multiple demographic groups in artistic, musical and intellectual experiences that represent the culture of our community. The space is able to host a variety of events, including: concerts, forums, poetry readings, film screenings, art exhibitions, debates, book signings, theater works, workshops, and community gatherings. Come with your ideas.
Heritage Homes Southeast
Working to make neighborhoods safe, attractive, and thriving.
Established in July 1974 to help reverse the physical and social decline taking place in South Bend neighborhoods, South Bend Heritage Foundation, Inc. (SBH) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit Community Development Corporation that is committed to the stabilization and empowerment of our neighborhoods.
Riley High School
"The Riley High School Community accepts responsibility to provide quality instruction ensuring quality learning for ALL students. Through a challenging standards-based course of study, with educational decisions guided by data and policy, Riley students will become responsible learners who work collaboratively and accept ownership of their academic progress and social development."
Boys and Girls Club of St. Joseph County
The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Joseph County is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.